The Past
How I wish I could hold onto the past
No longer tangible
How I wish I could hold onto you
I still remember how you felt
I still remember how you smelt
I still remember you were beautiful
I remember thinking how far the future is away
Now the future has become the past today
Time travels so gloriously fast
I try desperately to keep hold
Grasp you with my ageing hands
Yet, in a blink of an eye
I have left you far behind
This conundrum of life
We cannot stop the ticking clock
Those hands whizzing around the clock just will not stop
Electric lit up number’s
Carrying on
Marching and munching time
Time doesn’t draw any line
Memories, I have made a plenty
Maybe, we all look at them differently
Through rose tinted glasses
Wonderfully happy and tears of unhappiness
Only memories, films and photographs
Those are still tangible
I can still hold onto you
The past is so difficult to let go
Yet, the past is soon gone
We all know
Yet, we all live our very own real of film
The past is eventually swallowed up
By the future that is extremely hungry
Time just marches on
Stamping out the past and present
Time eventually catches the future too
The past
The present
The future
Time you are very cruel
The past, you are fabulously beautiful