The Nude Ice Lolly
This week’s art lesson is real life art
The artistic ice cool lollies have to paint extremely quick
Their subject is a nude lolly stick
Every moment that passed
The ice lollies perspired
They grew so hot under the extreme pressure
The ice lollies lost their cool and started to drip drop
While painting the nude lolly stick
While standing on the sticky fruity floor
They were now painting the nude lolly stick mega quickly
The only sound
The drip drop of each of the ice lollies perspiring
Every moment losing their cool
Soon it was time for the Art Teacher to check out their painted canvas
On each of their wooden easels
The Art Teacher was so impressed
He commented “Almost a mirror image”
For when the ice lollies looked at each other
They are all a real life nude lolly stick
They ran out really quick
To the freezer to get dressed real quick
Leaving only the model nude lolly stick
She doesn’t care
She loves being a nude lolly stick
She loves being in the art lessons
She loves being a nude lolly stick
She loves her nude lolly stick portraits