Trigger Warning
The Mirror
The Naked Poet
She looked in the mirror
The mirror
So beautifully clear
Such a beautiful mirror
No fancy frame
She couldn’t hide
Her full nakedness
Her only view
She saw her everyday self
The person she had always known
She saw her forever painful self
The person who pain has always known
She saw the Naked Poet
The person who is so new
Her new inner self
So artistic in her art
So artistic in her naked raw words
So articulate and pushes the boundaries with her erotica, sensual, sexual, fantasy, reality
Her normal self blushes from her words
Her normal self simply doesn’t recognise
Her normal self so far removed
Her normal self cannot begin to comprehend
It is as if Toria and the Naked Poet is someone else
In the mirror she welcomes her raw and naked words and verse
She feels the sea of her words
They are saw raw
They bloody and scar her
She sees the bloody white rose
The Yorkshire lass with humour and grace
Only bloodied by living her beautiful unusual life
She sees a burning flame
Red hot with passionate writes she cannot contain
Ignited by her poetry
This flame brings such beauty, happiness and delight
Her poetry brings such compliments
It is so new and beautiful
It makes her blush
Her poetry is a gift she never knew
Yet each day she does pursue
It is a gift to help with her forever pain
It is a gift she enjoys to share
She wants to bring humour and happiness everywhere
As she looks in the mirror
Once more
Nakedness and pain
In the glint of her eyes
She sees her most inner self Toria and the Naked Poet no longer hiding
Her naked vulnerability exposed
The mirror