The Human Touch Pulls My Heart Free
The human touch pulls my heart free
From the very first heartbeat
To the very last
People from my present, future and past
Their human touch has found a place in my heart
From amazing adventures
To a great overwhelming sadness
Love and unbelievable hurt touches my heart
The wonderment of a soft ball of wool
My human heart has been pulled
So many tears spilt
Many words of naturally flowing ink spilt
A heart fulfilled
A heart fulfilled
Many words of naturally flowing ink spilt
So many tears spilt
My human heart has been pulled
The wonderment of a soft ball of wool
Love and unbelievable hurt touches my heart
From amazing adventures
To a great overwhelming sadness
Their human touch has found a place in my heart
People from my present, future and past
To the very last
From the very first heartbeat
The human touch pulls my heart free
V L Puckering aka Naked Poet©️2023