The forward poem that my words wrote in a mirror image of absurd backwards verse
I wrote it all down
From my feet in the ground
To the helicopter in the sky
To orange peel that went down the slide
To the mole that wants to hide
To the buzzing bees
Caught in the summer breeze
As in the cold winter I sneeze
Like an ice cube I freeze
So I wrote it all up to my head
Before I went up to my snug bed
As the blisters wouldn’t stop
I so wanted them to pop
Like peas in a pod
Like A, B and C
The words just came to me
They took a seat
Inked words in my sleep
In my soul I keep
They have a head, toes and feet
They are wonderfully complete
It’s just neat
They wanted to repeat
My words are geek
Fast forward
Looking in the mirror
Quick to reverse
Backwards and forwards
My words converse
Spreading their ink
On the Snow White paper
Playing in a pantomime
Not keeping in line
Dancing in rhyme
Pussing Boots
Words just shoot
Caught in a fairytale
Living in a pink castle
Causing some hassle
Pinocchio swears he doesn’t lie
Rapunzel’s hair does grow
My words caught a fairytale
They never fail
Covered in poetic ink
On Snow White paper
That was quite an adventure
My words just flopped
Ending in a big full stop 🛑
V L Puckering aka Naked Poet©️2023