The Dark Faerie
The dark faerie
Her beating heart turns jet black
She is always sad
She only cares for her black cat
She has never seen daylight
She sees the bats take flight
She hears the aerie sounds of the night
She is the dark faerie
She has never seen the sun or the green grass
The dark faerie is truly cursed
To be forever sad
Her heart will always be beating black
As she cries
She only cares for her black cat
The dark faerie
She sleeps in the day
In the night she is wide awake
As she gazes at the yellow stars
How she wishes she had a red beating heart
Where happiness and light would live
Instead her black heart beats and beats
Only room for sorrow
Only tears flow
Only evil grows
As around all her only black roses grow
This is the only life the dark faerie will ever know
Her dark heart beating hard
She will only ever see the yellow stars
She lives in the wild and fierce night
Her dark beating heart