The corner of my mind
I searched for the corner of my mind
On my journey
Twists and turns
Mirrors reflecting actions and thoughts of the errors, happiness and sadness of my past
Memories playing in my mind
Played back too many times
The film broken and torn
Flashbacks of special times
Well worn
Images and thoughts mingled
Imagination entwined
Jumbled words
As I search for the corner of my mind
Secrets and memories long forgotten
Lost in time
So important to me at the time
Now just a vague and distant memory
Now of no consequence
Searching for the corner of my mind
Hidden in the depths
Hidden from my consciousness
All my tears and upset
Some forgotten happiness
Pain is that will never hide away
Thoughts and words rushing throughout my mind
I shall never find the corner
I have so many thoughts passing through
All I can do is write a poetic line
It may have come from the corner of my mind