Trigger warnings
The Colours
Sometimes it’s hard to see the colours
The red
The pinks
The blue
The world changes every day
Sometimes someone clouds your view
It distorts and impacts on you
I try so hard to see the colours
Some people only want to see black and white
They won’t even let in the shades of grey
They have no colours that day
Sometimes times it’s hard to see at all
All black and no light
I feel vulnerable and I feel naked and exposed
I want my nakedness to be covered by a rainbow
I yearn to see the amazing colours
I want to bathe in the bright colours
My nakedness a radiance
The world shone bright today
Thank goodness no black and white
No shades of grey
No darkness just light
The earths beautiful colours
The world dressed me in the amazing colours
When I looked
I was no longer vulnerable
I was naked for your eyes to feast
The amazing colours come and end within
I needed to look out
I needed to look in
It is us who decides the beautiful colours
The colours start and shine through our nakedness
The world can be such a colourful place