The Ant Champion
I knew I could do it
I said I would do it
I climbed up this gigantic mountain
I picked up this enormous tree trunk
Above my teeny weeny head
I have a hundred times more strength than my small size
I have more strength than you could ever imagine
I am the champion weightlifter of all the insect world
No one can match my solid strength
After all, I am just one tiny ant
One in a billion trillion
Yet, I am the one ant that climbed the never ending mountain
I held the enormous tree trunk up so very high
In the sunset lit sky
The view from a human eye
A little rock and a small twig
I said I could do it
I knew I would do it
I am one ant in a billion trillion
I stand on the top of this mountain
I am the ant champion
I climbed the rock
I held the piece of twig
I told you I would
I told you I could
I knew I would
I am the ant champion