Trigger Warnings
Red Shoes
I wanted to follow the yellow brick road
I wanted to wear red sparkly shoes
A couple of taps
I would be home soon
I wanted adventure and mystery
To defeat the Witch
To see the Queen
Meet her playing cards
To eat some of her tarts
See her red painted roses
I wanted some fantasy
The Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion
To be my friends
For the Wizard to make amends
This is where my fantasy ends
My reality is in your hands
My red sparkly shoes
I tap
I am in front of you
They do not take me home
Only to you
No yellow brick road
To follow
Only you
Nakedness and ravenous
Heat, lust, tongue and intense kiss and touch
My red sparkly shoes you feel on your back
You write with your ink
I feel our story deep within
I am your yellow brick road
You push on in deep into the yellow brick road
My yellow brick road
My red sparkly shoes
They are only the beginning
The middle never ending
They are the ending
My reality
My fantasy