Rainbow Animated Dinosaur
Please, please help me
Escape the jaws of a rainbow animated dinosaur
I’ve never been to a cartoon film set before
I hear a massive unreal roar
My head is almost in its open jaw
Enormous pointy teeth
The likes I’ve never seen before
I’ve never ran so fast
In my entire life!!!
I’m still in this dinosaurs grasp
Please hurry up and press record
Fast forward and play
I want to know
Do I eventually escape?
Do I survive?
This cartoon monster rage
Who let the dinosaur out of its cartoon electric gate?
Can you please put it back?
Play the tape
I might escape
Is this film we are making a replay ?
The dinosaurs aren’t real are they?
I fell into a cartoon film set
Where a rainbow dinosaur and I unhappily met
So please help me
Escape the jaws of a rainbow animated dinosaur
I can’t scream some more
I don’t like its roar
I’ve been here before
Fast forward and play
I want to know do I eventually survive?
Or does this rainbow cartoon animated dinosaur eat me alive?
As I run for my life
V L Puckering aka Naked Poet©️2023
No claim to image credit to unknown artist