Trigger warning
Naked Page
My naked words
You stripped them bare
You tore them in two
Inked out every written page
In a lover’s rage
My words were your naked slaves
To your inked pen
Pushing the ink onto the pure white page
As your ink came in many shades of warm grey
Up and down
Touching each curve of the inked naked words
You didn’t hold back
As your wet ink splattered
Onto the pure page
As you started to move your pen
Up and down slowly again
Dotting every single word
The pure page
Now covered in many shades of inked grey
As you will always want play
With the naked words
Your Naked Poet covered in your splattered ink
As your inked pen writes
Most naked nights
Your Naked Poet
V L Puckering aka Naked Poet©️2023
No claim to image credit to unknown artist