It’s Neighbourhood Fright Night!
The skeleton looks through the speckled diamond glass in the wooden door
Clinging on to the Halloween flowered wreath
He is unable to speak
The neighbours will definitely be surprised
When they come round for trick or treat
He is not the plastic skeleton
They think
He is actually the real, genuine thing
He floats
He has no skeleton feet
He has no swirling candy or toffee sweets
He lost them all, along with his boney feet
When he made his grande entrance through the old Victorian chimney
He really doesn’t care
He will scare those who trick or treat
If they dare!
A real skeleton is who they will meet
He expects them to faint at his ghoulish sight
Or run away with their mortal lives
Sprinting down the cobbled drive
He is a scary skeleton on this Halloween dark night
It’s only his Neighbourhood Fright Night!