Trigger Warnings
I unlocked a key
I unlocked a key
I opened a door
My words touched you
Like no one’s ever before
My naked words made you feel so much
So raw to touch
My naked flame it burns so hot
As you feel the heat as our two minds meet
Intoxicated with my rose scent
You feel my soft skin
I am the key
I opened the door
I am wordsmith that makes you feel and want more
The sea of words my nakedness wears
Each word so raw it bloodies me
You lick my wounds
You see the blood pour
You see the emotional overflow
Addicted to the Naked Poet’s words and flows
I want you to feel my skin
I want you to feel my sea of words
I want to open the door
The Naked Poet gives you the key
You feel and touch her naked skin
Lick her bloody wounds
She wants you to feel her words
She gave you the key
You opened the door
The Naked Poet gave you her mind
Her thoughts
Her heat
You desire her
Her naked scent
Your world is almost complete
As you dream of f**king the Naked Poet
Your Naked Poet