Cascading Musical Mask
One day I will hold it in my inked hand
A paper thin inked cascading fan
Where music begins and never ends
Behind the beautiful mask
Played extremely loud and wonderfully fast
Musicality is the emotional key
Invisible but plain to see
Alive and dancing in you and me
I’m living behind the mask
Reciting music from the present, future and past
I see you
Who is cast in the most amazing mask?
Who is cast in the most amazing mask?
I see you
Reciting music from the present, future and past
I’m living behind the mask
Alive and dancing in you and me
Invisible but plain to see
Musicality is the emotional key
Played extremely loud and wonderfully fast
Behind the beautiful mask
Where music begins and never ends
A paper thin inked cascading fan
One day I will hold it in my inked hand
V L Puckering aka Naked Poet©️2023
No claim to image credit to unknown artist