Trigger warnings
Adrenaline junky
Adrenaline junky
Such a hunk
Muscles toned
Beautiful golden tan
Blonde tasseled hair
I feel your heart beat faster
What do you see in me?
Adrenaline junky
I lose my heart
Every time we part
Free climbing mountains
Going for hikes
Cycling through deserts
Swimming in seas
Fencing in tournaments
Horse riding
Diving off cliffs
Ice hockey
Please don’t you slip!
What can’t you do?
As you tell me you went white water rafting
So many sports
I’m exhausted just at the thought
Adrenaline junky
You just love sport
Why are you with me?
Apparently you get a high from my poetry and f**king me
As you taste my landscape
You push hard into my cave
I am your favourite sport
I am your favourite place
Adrenaline junky
Such a hunk
Muscles toned
Beautiful golden tan
Blonde tasseled hair
I feel your heart beat faster
Adrenaline junky
Your Naked Poet