Trigger warnings
A unreal royal naked romance
A unreal royal naked romance
The naughty princess
The prince
Rips off her pink floaty dress
She releases her tiara
Her beautiful golden locks fall down
Her designer underwear
Black lacy bra and knickers
Fishnet tights
Black patent high heel shoes
She is a naughty princess
Her bra she takes off
Her breasts just rock
The prince
Pulls off her knickers and fishnets
He kisses ruby soft lips
Kisses her neck
As she takes deep breaths
Fondling and caresses her breasts
Licking her breasts
So beautiful
He is hard
He thrusts and pushes
They reach their climax
He drowns in her beautiful scent
He realises this is his true love
He fucks his true love
Overwhelmed by affection
Sensations explored
Lost in their own world
Never wanting to leave
Forever behind a closed door
This unreal royal naked romance
Your Naked Poet