Trigger warnings
A naked vacation
A naked vacation
A naked holiday
The Naked Poet needs a rest
From thoughts of sex
From her number one fan
Waiting for him to grasp her hands
He dreams of licking her t*ts
His sensual mouth
Lick, lick
As his dick dips in and out
Slowly, slowly
When he thinks of her
He wants to thrust her into an orgasmic f**k
Deep, deep
He wants her to taste his hard d**k
He wants to cover her in his cum
He flicks
As he licks her moist
She pants and grasps
He licks her sexual sweat
He wants to saviour her sweet smell of sex
For in his head
He is deliciously f**king her
In the poetic bed
Her number one fan this all in his head
He wanks to her words
Growing harder with each word
Harder, harder with each verse
He dreams of her stripped naked
He dreams of her bloody words
He dreams of swimming in her river of words
Her perfect rose scent
She must be heaven sent
Your Naked Poet