A Halo Rainbow
A rarity
From earth, we do not see
A rainbow of purity
A halo of magnificent wonder
It is complete
A rainbow that eternally meets
Through the clear sky and cotton clouds
We can only open our amazed mouths
As this rainbow sings out deafeningly loud
As this rainbow sings out deafeningly loud
We can only open our amazed mouths
Through the clear sky and cotton clouds
A rainbow that eternally meets
It is complete
A halo of magnificent wonder
A rainbow of purity
From earth, we do not see
A rarity
V L Puckering aka Naked Poet©️2023
Credit for picture to artist pilot Lloyd J. Ferraro*** RAINBOW*** Complete rainbow captured at 30,000 feet by pilot Lloyd J. Ferraro. Rainbows are actually complete circles, but we only see half the arc from Earth.